This script is designed to automate the installation of several programs on a Linux system, specifically:
MuseScore 4 – A popular music notation software.
Muse Sounds Manager (Muse Hub) – A tool for managing additional sound libraries for MuseScore.
Reaper – A digital audio workstation (DAW) for music production.
KDE Connect – A tool for integrating your smartphone with your Linux desktop (e.g., notifications, file transfer).
Kdenlive – A non-linear video editor designed for Linux systems.
How to Run the Installation Script
System Requirements
Before you begin, ensure that:
Linux Distribution: KDE Neon or Kubuntu recommended (though it should work on most Debian-based systems).
Administrative Privileges: You need sudo access to install the required programs.
1. Copy the Script
Copy the entire script from the browser
2. Save the Script to a File
Open a terminal and create a new file to store the script:
Paste the copied script into the file by right-clicking and selecting Paste, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+V. Once pasted, press Ctrl+X, then Y to save, and Enter to confirm.
3. Make the Script Executable
Make the saved script executable by running the following command:
chmod +x
4. Run the Script
To run the script, use this command (you will need to enter your password):
sudo ./
The script will begin installing MuseScore 4, Muse Sounds Manager, Reaper, KDE Connect, and Kdenlive. This may take a few minutes.
5. Check the Log File
If you encounter any issues or want to check the installation status, you can view the log file located at:
cat /var/log/ArtOs_Script.log
set -euo pipefail # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status
# Global variables
REAPER_REPO="ppa:reaper/ppa" # Example PPA for Reaper
PROGRAMS=("musescore4" "reaper" "kdeconnect" "kdenlive")
# Logging function
log_message() {
local message="$1"
printf "%s\n" "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - %s\n" "$(date)" "$message" >> "$LOGFILE"
# Function to install MuseScore 4 and Muse Sounds Manager
install_musescore() {
if ! command -v "musescore4" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
log_message "Adding MuseScore 4 repository"
if sudo add-apt-repository -y "$MUSESCORE_REPO" && sudo apt-get update; then
log_message "Repository added successfully"
log_message "Installing MuseScore 4"
if sudo apt-get install -y musescore4; then
log_message "MuseScore 4 installed successfully"
printf "MuseScore 4 installed successfully.\n"
log_message "Failed to install MuseScore 4" >&2
printf "MuseScore 4 installation failed.\n" >&2
log_message "Failed to add repository" >&2
printf "Failed to add MuseScore repository.\n" >&2
log_message "MuseScore 4 is already installed"
printf "MuseScore 4 is already installed.\n"
# Install Muse Sounds Manager
log_message "Installing Muse Sounds Manager"
if [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/Muse_Hub" && ! -f "/opt/Muse_Hub/Muse_Hub" ]]; then
local temp_file; temp_file=$(mktemp)
log_message "Downloading Muse Sounds Manager from $MUSE_HUB_URL"
if wget "$MUSE_HUB_URL" -O "$temp_file" && sudo dpkg -i "$temp_file"; then
log_message "Muse Sounds Manager installed successfully"
printf "Muse Sounds Manager installed successfully.\n"
log_message "Failed to install Muse Sounds Manager" >&2
printf "Muse Sounds Manager installation failed.\n" >&2
rm -f "$temp_file"
log_message "Muse Sounds Manager is already installed"
printf "Muse Sounds Manager is already installed.\n"
# Function to install other programs (Reaper, KDE Connect, Kdenlive)
install_programs() {
for program in "${PROGRAMS[@]:1}"; do # Skip musescore4 as it's handled separately
if ! command -v "$program" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
log_message "Installing $program"
if sudo apt-get install -y "$program"; then
log_message "$program installed successfully"
printf "%s installed successfully.\n" "$program"
log_message "Failed to install $program" >&2
printf "%s installation failed.\n" "$program" >&2
log_message "$program is already installed"
printf "%s is already installed.\n" "$program"
# Main function
main() {
log_message "Installation script started"
log_message "Installation script completed"
# Run the script
Original Idea
I had this idea to create an operating system just for musicians, and while I’ve decided not to pursue it anymore, I still think it’s a pretty solid concept. An OS designed specifically for musicians could really streamline their work, optimize performance for audio production, and bring all the tools they need into one place. Even though I’m not moving forward with it, I still believe something like that could make a real difference for people in the music industry.
My Idea is to create an operating system specifically for musicians that can offer several benefits and advantages tailored to their needs. For me developing an OS for musicians might be a worthwhile, and here's why:
Specialized Features:
A musician-focused OS can include specialized features and tools designed to enhance the creative process. For example, It comes Pre installed programs like MuseScore 4, Reaper, Puredata….
Customizable User Interface:
Musicians often have specific preferences and workflows. An OS tailored for them can offer a customizable user interface that allows artists to arrange and access their tools, For that this operating system is a fork of Kubuntu a Linux distribution based in Ubuntu with the Graphical Environment from Kde. Allowing for ultra Customization.
Resource Efficiency:
ArtOS is optimized for music production, being a Linux distribution it can allocate system resources more efficiently, ensuring the CPU and RAM are used wisely to handle the demands of audio processing and recording.
Community and Collaboration:
A musician-centric OS I want to foster a sense of community and collaboration among artists. It can encourage sharing of knowledge, collaboration on projects, and the development of specialized software for music production.
Cross-Platform Compatibility:
Creating an OS that is compatible with various hardware configurations and integrates well with existing software can help musicians work seamlessly across different devices.
Support for Multiple Music Genres:
Musicians from different genres have unique requirements. Tailoring an OS to cater to a wide range of musical styles can make it more appealing to a broader user base.
Overall, I want to design an OS for musicians that can drive innovation in music technology, to encourage more developers to create new and better tools, plugins, and hardware, leading to a more streamlined, efficient, and enjoyable creative process for artists in the music industry. However, it's essential to conduct thorough research and gather feedback from musicians and music producers throughout the development process to ensure the ArtOS meets their needs effectively.
Later on I Want to feature:
Low Latency Audio Processing:
Musicians often require real-time audio processing with low latency to perform live or record without noticeable delays. Designing an OS optimized for low latency audio can significantly improve the overall experience for musicians.
Stability and Reliability:
Music production requires stability and reliability to avoid interruptions during recording sessions or live performances. By creating a dedicated OS, you can prioritize stability and minimize the risk of crashes or system failures during critical moments.
Security for Music Projects:
Musicians invest a significant amount of time and effort into their music projects. A dedicated OS can focus on providing robust security measures to protect intellectual property and sensitive data.